Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Cowboys Begin Final 2013 Season Ahead of the Herd

It would seem that the Canadian Cowboys want to enter the 2014 year having made a name for themselves. After a July Elite League Title win - the ice in the Saddledome a portrait of their recent victory - the Cowboys went into the final 2013 season ready to finish the year with gusto. After their first few games of back and forth hockey, the boys decided it was time to make their country proud. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Six wins in a row. Seven. Eight. Nine. Nine in a row - the Cowboys seemed unstoppable. And for a while longer they were. Sixteen games later, the Cowboys were finally delivered their 3rd loss of the August 2013 season. Each member of the team played a pivotal role in these consecutive victories - each member except for their veteran right defenseman Jacques Bonjour (Montreal, QC). Unfortunately, Jacques has been on a leave of absence for a family emergency - his last known location was at "Pas D'internet" general hospital in Montreal.

"We obviously have high hopes that [Bonjour] will make a return for the onset of the 2014 year. It's been good to see some of the other guys step up defensively to take his place, though" commented the Canadian Cowboy coach. "We're definitely excited to have him back."

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